Thursday, August 8, 2013

Keep pushing even when you doubt yourself!

Your body

Your choice

your success
Anything is Possible when you believe yourself.

so keep pushing!!!

Allan Aquino AKA fitchef

Nutrition basicxxx

Everything about fitness wether you're trying to gain muscle or drop a few lbs starts on one important factor and that is NUTRITION!!!
The breakdown
50% nutrition
30% rest
20% workout
= success

not starting a clean eating habit can cause you!

Nutrients provide energy or kcalories, to promote the growth and maintenance of the body, and/or regulate body processes.

There are six classes of nutrients.
1. Carbohydrates
2. Fats (aka lipids)
3. Protein

4. Vitamins
5. Minerals
6. Water

Carbs, fats, and protein are energy-yeilding nutrients because they can be burned as fuel to provide energy for the body.

Carbohydrates: 4 calories per gram
                Fats: 9! calories per gram
            protein: 4 calories per gram
in addition of Alcohol: 7! calories per gram

Vitamins are none caloric found in a wide variety of foods that are essential in small quantities to regulate body processes, maintain the body, and allow growth and reproduction.

Minerals also required by the body in small amounts and do not provide energy.

Water is important to carryout body functions from transporting vitamins and minerals to proper metabolism of nutrients.

Don't forget to subscribe  more info coming soon!
please feel free to comment and ask questions
Thank you

Allan Aquino AKA Fitchef

Disclaimer: Information on this Web site is designed for educational purposes only. Not intended to help, cure or diagnose medical symptoms.